ACCA Students and Affiliates

Credit for prior learning (CPL)/ Exemptions

Based on ACCA Students and Affiliates from ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), you might be eligible to apply for the following credit(s):

Accounting F3 Financial Accounting
Assurance F8 Audit and Assurance
Audit and Assurance P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance
P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics
Business and Finance F1 Accountant in Business
F3 Financial Accounting
Business Planning: Taxation P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics
P6 Advanced Taxation
Business Strategy P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics
P3 Business Analysis
Financial Accounting and Reporting - IFRS F7 Financial Reporting
P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics
P2 Corporate Reporting
Financial Management F9 Financial Management - If you have received a converted pass in F9 you will also need paper P4 Advanced Financial ManagementP1 Governance, Risk and Ethics
Law F4 Corporate and Business Law
Management Information F2 Management Accounting
Principles of Taxation F6 Taxation
Tax Compliance F6 Taxation
P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics
P6 Advanced Taxation